Since January 1st, 2019 the company UTEK srl has been incorporated by the company CLA srl

EN 1751 Class 4
VAV Regulation

The multileaf dampers are suitable for the control and the adjust of the air flow in air conditioning or ventilation ducts.


Frame in galvanised steel, thickness 1,5 mm

Aerofoil blades in galvanised steel, thickness 0,8+0,8 mm

Distance between blades 200 mm

External movement drive in galvanised steel

Bearings in nylon

Axes ø12 mm in galvanised steel

Pressure loss tested in according to ISO 7244

Prove delle perdite di carico eseguite secondo lanormativa ISO 7244 presso l’Istituto Giordano (Rapporto di prova N.136363)

Acoustic data tested in according to UNI EN 25135.


DLT 201X: In stainless steel AISI 304


manual drive R11 up to 1,2 m² of surface

manual drive R12 over 1,2 m² of surface

adhesive longitudinal rubber seal or siliconical

axes ø18 mm in galvanised steel

electric motor

pneumatic motor double effect

bearings in bronze
